Sunday, January 03, 2010

Pipes At Peace

A quarter year since here last, and among my resolves two days ago was to better attend to the cultivation of Cultivating Keith.

This morning gives me an opportunity to do so, although not quite the opportunity I'd anticipated.

This particular post, for instance, is being written in-between sessions of thawing out frozen pipes -- pipes frozen despite what I thought were vigilant and disciplined efforts all night long to keep them clear. I ran water full out, and then left water running at a strong trickle, and made it through the night with good flow.

Then: the mistake.

Sun fully out, 8:30 in the morning, I decided to close the faucets.


Took only half an hour or so, but what a half hour evidently.

No flow.

So I have been warming the pipes where they join the house, and warming myself in-between sessions (fireplace helps; Wild Turkey in coffee helps more) outside.

Lessons learned late include: a) when it's this cold and you have flow, don't relax; b) when it's this cold and you don't have flow, reflect in the cold on lesson a.

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